Out On Show 1940 Poem by Terry Collett

Out On Show 1940

I'm outside
in the grounds
I can smell

the fresh air
and flowers
hear bird song

someone has
wheeled me out
from the ward

where the smells
and voices
hemmed me in

hello Grace
a voice says
to my left

I turn my
blind eyes where
the voice comes

Philip is
that you there?
yes it is

he replies
I reach out
to touch him

he holds my
hand in his
where abouts

have you been?
I ask him
war work stuff

its stop secret
can't say much
o I see

he squeezes my
hand gently
your doctor

has said I
can take you
out for that

meal next week
he whispers
take me out

into town?
yes up West
have to risk

the bombing
from Hitler's
bombing crew

Philip says
you don't mind
taking me?

why should I?
I've no legs
bloody blind

I want to
take you out
he utters

you can wear
that red dress
I bought you

I recall
the nurse talk
about it

the red dress
thank you for
taking me

I tell him
what about
other things?

other things?
what if I
need to go

to the loo?
I can't go
on my own

can't manage
I tell him
Joan's coming

with Donald
she'll help you
Philip says

a foursome?
just the four
Donald's driving

I sit still
and stare at
where he is

she won't mind
taking me?
of course not

Nurse Kavel
will be there

on duty
just in case
she makes five

Philip says
I am thrilled
to be out

not caring
who stares at
me that night

I can't see
I won't know
a weird one

out on show.

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