Pain And Suffering Poem by William Pye

Pain And Suffering

Pain and suffering I will endure
By my life ego I will assure
When my life flashes with pain I will look at my shame
But when my pain last no more
There is god knocking on my door
While he knocks I will weep and dwell
But at last I ripped my veil
When my veil rips wide open
I fight the demon from down under
When the fight is over and done
Here come the prize I have won
But it seem for what I have won
Is nothing I have failed to become a son
For being a son to someone who is dumb
To the things I have done but never won
For I see myself in a gutter filled with lies and clutter
And while I’m in that clutter
My life ended like a shutter
For that shutter will not open
In till my master see some change in me
And only then will I succeed
For when I succeed my life will go
Faraway to lands I dear
Till I reach my fear and say
No more will I pay today
Because I will see my debts are paid
To god since he has saved my day
For all that I must say
Live long and prosper
Because the day is always a new day
To live and triumph everyday
Till u fall and forever pay
To the god we worship today…

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William Pye

William Pye

jacksonville, Nc
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