Past Lives Poem by Drich The Poet

Past Lives

What's the reason
You're here my old self?
What's the message you have
That these blue-ticked influencers haven't announced?
It's been a decade since we last met, and
I'm curious to know what you have to say.
Despite my efforts,
I hope I didn't disappoint you on faith.
Even though I wasn't always there for you,
you held a special place in my heart, and
I'm glad to see how much you've grown.
The world has been cruel and bloodthirsty,
but we both made it to October 12th, and that's something to be grateful for.
I'm about to be reborn,
and it's a new world out there,
not the likeness you know of.
I hope you haven't forgotten about Mum, who could have stayed, but I wish she had seen me blossom into a man.
I'm glad to see her in you, though.
Life hasn't been fair.
From the canon of triumph,
we've been separated and lost in our walls of dimensions.
But I see you, and I know you remember the good times we shared.
It's okay, though.
I can't blame anyone for what's happened.
It's all in the past.
Yet writing this makes it a refreshed feeling.
Guess it's not all in the past
Maybe I'm a continuation
Of what I was, perhaps tagging it past lives may be an illusion

Past Lives
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