Paths Of Sometime Poem by KarlRomeo PierreLouis

Paths Of Sometime

Follow the word to the mother land of Abraham
Shun the west and embrace the air
Of your motherland, none other then
The lilacs and daffodils of our song
The soul of the resigned and forgotten letters
Of her and she held tightly in the memory of he and I
The subjected listeners of verse and fermented passion
We and I have not forgotten the yester
Of day and hour, wars and sours
Sorrows and burning
Life and yearning
I reach and she kept me
There, between her divine and sublime
And we connected from the distance of birth and marriage
Melodies from Paris and dreams of our ivory coast
Bless your thoughts with only the silence
Of our lost and lost and ……
Keep it there, hidden from him and her and us
There and only there have then we returned
To the bridge we crossed when we first met
Where we first let circumstance and time
Make its distance our definition
And not the gift of our crossing existence
Follow the tone and enlighten the thought you and I
Together for some time between this one and the next thousand
That follows with no miracle but spiritual guidance
Laid with perfect defiance of let love fly behind us
I need you to line us with the constellations inside the both
And trust…in the verticals that we can land from the place of Abraham
Of milk and silk, passion, laughter, no tears and then honey
Maybe we can say with no yearning or burning
That we did it our way….

KarlRomeo PierreLouis

KarlRomeo PierreLouis

Port au Prince, Haiti
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