Ph: Faith: American Traitor Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Faith: American Traitor

To manipulate laws to disqualify voters,
Vote multiple times, or give dead living voice,
These are acts of a traitor! Man's born with a choice.
Should political virtue be building consensus,
To hate when you don't win a kind of psychosis,
You lose, what's the message for you, your promoters?

Please don't tell me the other side's screwing the country,
Election (if fair) , this conclusion's in doubt,
And your loss by itself is no reason to pout,
Wouldn't Patriot work harder then at convincing,
Reject still those lies that the devil's financing?
The truth of this logic seems quite elementary.

How could Patriot's heart put the screws to his brothers?
It's serving your country to want level field!
Only traitors would legislate vantage concealed?
Equal pay might help women, whose futures you're planning,
And your daughters too! Should they major in tanning?
To give them a choice, shouldn't ‘chance' be your druthers?

But your radical base hates both woman and daughter,
A woman empowered means man's power's less!
Base's depth of depravity no one can guess!
They're abusers and liars who seek own advantage,
All victory means is a winning percentage,
‘Vile manhood' that grows with each victim they slaughter.

Current Bible translations abuse still the fair sex,
In Genesis 3: 16 truth's lost in Greek, (1)
Gender bias apparent to humble who seek,
It's the serpent that's cursed but NOT Adam and Eve when
God punished, not cursed (as sin's recognized price in
Expulsion from garden, survival's new simplex) .

While the rich hide their earnings, the poor give all access,
Poor tithe to their God and pay Caesar what's owed,
Income taxed, property, even gifts fate bestowed,
Infrastructural needs (such as highways and schooling) ,
With ‘next generation' and ‘present needs' dueling,
Don't bother the wealthy; it's clear no one cares less.

So 'American Traitor, ' ride high on your stick horse,
Though lower than pond scum (that's why you've no view!)
Aren't you lucky your kids can't see albatross you?
Just a carnival barker, a 'wanna be' watch FOB,
Our POTUS, a hair ball stray cat left (on its job) ,
Real knowledge and smarts aren't so easy to outsource.

Brian Johnston
August 14,2017

Poet's Notes:
(1) No Bible verse can be safely extracted and put on a pedestal by itself. All scripture is contextual and must be understood together with the Bible as a whole if we are to hope for any reasonable understanding. Accordingly, Genesis 3: 14-24 must be subject to the same scrutiny. The serpent is cursed, but the Bible does not say that God 'cursed' either Eve or Adam. Rather in the case of Adam, it is the 'ground' that he must farm now for his food that is cursed. It now has 'thorns and thistles' to make food production even harder. Eve will now experience 'increased' labor in childbirth. So labor pain was 'always part of God's creation' for some sensation is required when a child is born. But after the 'fall' the pain increased. However, verse 3: 16 seems to go even further and to suggest the man is now to be Eve's master.

Such an interpretation, however, conflicts with Genesis 1: 27 which says 'God created human beings in his own image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.' In this verse, God says that man and woman are equals and suggests the order of their creation does not give a man any real status.

A new understanding of verse 3: 16 tells us that in the original language it is impossible to say for sure if the word 'he' should be translated as 'he' or as 'it! ' If the correct choice is 'it, ' then the verse does not imply that 'man is to be woman's master' at all. Instead, it suggests that a better interpretation is 'Your desire shall be for your husband and 'it' (your desire?) shall be your master.' Because a woman is made vulnerable by the birth of a child, she wants a helpmate (or a husband) to be with her. It is this 'desire' will now be her 'master' and have a large influence on how she views the world. The 'Spirit' I believe is telling us that this is the correct interpretation of this verse and that man is not and has never been woman's master!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: abuse,betrayal,patriotism,religion
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