Ph: Faith: The Perversion Of Christian Ideals Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Faith: The Perversion Of Christian Ideals

If you think that the Bible's literally true
You may be in danger of Hell fire,
And I'm not even saying I know Hell exists,
Though the Bible sure talks of God's ire.

There is much in the Bible that clearly is false
And that puts honest men in a bind,
Hypocrites may pretend that there is no problem,
With faith in blind faith, who needs a mind?

But to claim you have faith means you used your brain once,
Decision is there in your dim past,
So when you jeer at others who try to think now,
There's no way that your sin can be bypassed.

But your being brain-dead can not save you from Hell
(Though possibly you may not feel it) ,
But a ticket to heaven is out of your reach
And is something you can't counterfeit.

A faith without questions is a faith that is dead,
Your ‘certainty' proves you are lacking,
And that your drug of choice is in fact Satan's rule,
It's your soul that the devil's hijacking!

It's insanity to dream that your take is ‘Truth, '
What if everyone felt just the same?
Christ's truth came in parables, truth not black and white…
So now you're God (but just not in name?)

Don't drink champagne yet for your own Bible tells us
That all men just see through glass darkly,
God's grace covers all but still paradox lingers,
Some do miss the boat it warns starkly.

Might not all of our questions be what babies feel,
This life, our trip through God's birth canal?
Our ultimate fate to be God's sons and daughters
For me, right now, a fine rationale.

Brian Johnston
July 26,2014

Poet's Notes:
Think about it! It's not that painful is it? Isn't thinking better than perversion?
David Harris 27 July 2014

The perversions of religious ideals, in general I would say. Should give many food for thought. Excellent.

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Daniel Brick 27 July 2014

Your views of many vexed issues in religion today is refreshingly open and enlightened. The believers you are chiding with your version of Christian ideals are also the ones who rejected Reynolds Price's version of the gospel. Their minds are securely closed so that doubts cannot get in and disrupt their delicately balanced belief systems. But I see myself as a kind of Joseph Campbell-type mythologist who sees all myths as valid - it's just that some are more appropriate as guides than others, some are enlightened, others dark with ancestral fear and trembling. But it's all MYTHOLOGY! Myth - mythology - mythic - these are all positive words to me.

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