Ph: Life: Dump Artificial Goals, Live A Purposeful Life! Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Life: Dump Artificial Goals, Live A Purposeful Life!

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Do your goals disappoint you, like verse without rhyme,
There's an urgency missing; all go overtime,
Are you jealous of others whose goals play a part
In much larger endeavors that border on Art?
Your life needing direction? Your path lacking light?
Well, these simple directions can help end your plight.

First, consider examples of just what goals are,
They can be very simple, "Go look at a star! "
A bit more complicated, "Mow lawn before noon, "
Difficulty increasing, "Learn words and the tune! "
What do goals have in common? Beginning and end!
And you know if accomplished, no way to pretend!

So then why do some goals seem to carry a glow?
Is it not goals but actors that make them seem so?
Could it be there's a purpose that gives them their shine?
It's like handing girl roses to say, "Please be mine! "
If a boy just laid roses beside a girl's chair,
Without giving her notice, would she know they're there?

A child's purpose might change on a dime, be perverse,
But a grownup's can last for all time, the reverse.
If you're wise, you will know; use your purpose to grow!
When our goals do shine bright, purpose gives them their light!
Those who share our goals make us feel fine (as a friend!)
But the one who shares purpose we dine, (without end!)

Brian Johnston
15th of June 2018

Poet's Notes:
The poem says it all, but perhaps it is too subtle. Let me drive its point home. The message is too important for me to leave you mystified if you are?

If reaching a goal disappoints you, the most likely reason is that your goals don't align with your life's purpose. Ah, but if you have not yet committed to a life purpose, or do not know what yours is, how will you ever live up to your potential? Having a purpose in life is what makes you-you!

As a simple example of applying this poem to your life, ask yourself, "However, will I find the perfect partner for me? " The correct answer is not the one you have now, i.e., to find a partner who shares your goals! Instead, look for a partner who shares your purpose!

Saturday, June 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: journey,life,wisdom
Tim Curtin 17 June 2018

An eloquent entry into the world of life's direction or lack of it.... I regret I did not read this before I turned 30. Now I have turned 70 and the poem is one I would recommend to be heard in English Class... or philosophy class... TC

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