Plant On My Forehead Poem by Durr e Nayab Malik

Plant On My Forehead

the moment this universe took it's first breath...
is the time when the sky was decorated...
by the shine when your aura was created
I, annihilated, every single evil of my soul
paving my path towards you...
I saw you!
right Infront of me
moving like a wave of solitude
that fills the body with peace and splendor
a big shawl on, it was like a dream...
the ornaments I had in my hands
the bowed eyes of me waiting to see you...
but the shyness which didn't allow
you came and told....
a little Truth
Soulmate, they look great on your hands
the plant which grows on my forehead
because of the extraordinary gentle area
I found the garden in me
with a lot of dreams..
O, Ahhhh
A dream....
it's a dream again....
do I have to wake up?
or may I see you again?
~ Durre

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