Pleasure Or Seek Poem by jessica mazzola

Pleasure Or Seek

Rating: 2.0

</> Overjoyed? or Confused?
Desire for pleasure. For him. Am I happy with?
Or am I perturbed by worry of it not being real.
Weather it be realness of feelings or
realness of reality. Surly of course is wasn't a reverie I felt what I felt but the
question still remains... Is he true?
Or is he there because I stand alone, the only
one who would be waiting. Even after a month of uncertainty, and few months of
heartbroken certainty.
I am still here....In this....Invisible, hidden to others. But he
comes back I come out happy, yet also questioning.

It has been few days since the moment of rejoice, of pleasure, of happy. And
still lasting.
I hope at the next Moment he will be easier, but be still similar. So I once again may
Taste the fire the lies behind his features.
Feel the heat that pulses through his whole body that warms my cool hands.
And yet I can also question,
Attempt seek what must be found, is he real for me as well as those others.
It will be a trick to try and seek the answer that lies in his mind as it is a pain to try
and see inside any man's mind as is the same for any man to see inside a woman's
mind's eye as well. So we shall see.
So I shall see, feel, touch.
Taste.... Know.
In the next

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