Poem No.3: Your Girl Poem by Lily Rummy

Poem No.3: Your Girl

Rating: 4.5

I've got my mind on you, baby
You're too good to be true, alright
Listening to The Beach Boys now
Feeling the salty breeze from sea

Why would you assume things
Never letting me speak
Shutting me out from my life
Like a bullet smashing
Cutting my chest open

Cutting my chest open
With his handmade blade
You like it don't ya?
Just seeing my crying
Standing there in our corridor

Memories are crazily strong
My head spins like a carousel
Childhood was good, now I am
Becoming a woman like you want me to be

Afraid of physical touch, afraid of your hands
Don't wanna hug, scared you'll hurt me

You're unpredictably good at this game
Posing in front of my friends, in front of the family
But I know your tricks, daddy
I am your little daughter after all.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: daughter,father,father daughter,struggle
Lily Rummy 18 June 2019

I just want to say that I am writing these poems as a form of self-therapy for myself. I have a quite difficult situation in my family. I have been suffering for mental abuse for years now. These poems may not be Shakespeare like, but they are true to me and to my life. Hope you guys enjoy.

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