Praise Works Wonders Poem by Raimi Babatunde

Praise Works Wonders

I am sited in heaven
With The King of Kings
No more sorrow, no pressure
Depression faded away
Halleluia, He reigns

Silence the oppressor
Praise along with me
When you open your mouth
Jesus will fill it
Just dial praise

That's an expo i am giving
You might not have known
For praying is travailing
Praise is to prevail
Just believe and be expectant

God answers your prayers
That is if He hears
When you high praise Him
He takes you to higher places
And all challenges must bow

Baba cannot survive at all
In a praiseless atmosphere
Without Jesus i tell you
You are helplessly helpless
And you don't want to be

If you will just believe
Hand over that battle to Him
In prayers and supplication
Sealed with worship and praise
You will emerge victorious

Our praise belittles them all
All principalities and powers
Obstacles and challenges
Just believe and have faith
You too will testify

When your praises is waiting
Your testimonies also wait
Dial His praise hotline now
Praise works wonders

As the good old book says
Be anxious for nothing
In everything excluding be thankful
So, your windows can open
Praise works wonders

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: praise
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