Prince Of Peace Poem by Justin Reamer

Prince Of Peace

Lord Jesus,

You are the greatest human
To have ever lived
On this Earth,
And You are the Son of God,
Who was created through love.

You were born from a virgin birth
Through Mary,
Your mother,
Who was purified
Through the Immaculate Conception,
Which gave her life
Without sin,
So she was able to conceive
You through the Holy Spirit.

Your parents were sent to Bethlehem
Because of Augustus Caesar's census,
Which made them move away
From Nazareth.
Joseph was supposed to move to
His hometown,
So that all of the citizens
Could be counted.

You were born in a manger,
Dear Lord,
And you were born
Of a modest birth,
And you grew up,
Learning Joseph's trade
Of carpentry.

But you were
More than that,
For you were chosen
by your Father
To teach us
How to love each other.

Lord, you were baptized
By St. John the Baptist,
And you were sent forth by
Your Father in Heaven.
You went into the desert
For forty days and
Forty nights,
And Satan tempted you,
But you never gave in
To his temptation.

You then went on to teach,
And you performed miracles
For people to see
The glory of God,
And you made many followers,
Who were your disciples,
And you had the Apostles,
Which you selected,
Including St. James,
St. John,
St. Matthew,
St. Peter,
St. Bartholomew,
St. Andrew,
St. Judas,
Judas Iscariot,
And much more.

You went around and
Healed many,
Including the paralysed man,
The man possessed by daemons,
The woman who had seizures,
The lame people,
The lepers,
The woman who was crazy,
The blind man,
The child who could not walk,
The dead daughter,
And many more,
And you cared for
All of them.

You also had your Last Supper,
And you did everything
According to your Father's will,
And you did everything He asked of you.
Judas Iscariot betrayed you,
For he was taken by Satan,
And then you were arrested,
And sent before Herod,
Who thought you were a fool,
And before Pontius Pilate,
Who thought you were innocent,
But you were condemned by your own people,
And crucified,
And you suffered death.

But, you rose again,
And you are now in heaven,
Watching over us,
And will come back to judge us,
When the time is right.

Dear Lord, you are so selfless,
For you have given your life
To save everyone from
Sin and damnation,
And you cured us from our wrongs,
And you have given us salvation,
And for that, I thank you.

And Lord, as you have watched over everyone,
I thank you for watching over me,
For you have done a lot for me,
And I thank you so much.

Help me to be like you, Lord,
And give me the ability
To give to others
And to guide me
In kindness
And generosity
And selflessness.
Please help me to
Be more like you
And to keep an even temper.

Lord, you have helped me
When I have strayed off the path,
And you have helped me
When I was in times of trouble,
But I will continue to serve you,
And to do everything in your name,
No matter what.

You are my shepherd,
And I am your sheep,
Lead me to the place
Where you can help
Me the best I can,
And help me to serve other
People as I have
Always been,
And lead me in the right
Direction in life.

Thank you for everything,
And thank you for all your blessings,
And your endless love.

I will love people
Just as you have loved me,
And I will support them,
As you have supported me.
I will care for them
As you have cared for me,
And I will bless them
As you have blessed me.
I will be there for them
As you have been there for me,
And I will listen to them
As you have listened to me.
I will counsel them,
As you have counselled me,
And I will help them,
As you have helped me.
I will serve people,
As you have served me,
I will give to them,
As you have given to me.
I will forgive them,
If they ever wrong me,
As you have forgiven me,
For when I wrong others,
And I will do much more,
Because you have done so
Much for me.

Dear Lord,
Your love is the greatest
Thing anyone can ask for,
And I thank you for
Everything you have given me,
And I thank you for
All of your blessings.
I thank you for all of your
Love and kindness,
And I will continue to serve you
And honour you
Through every word, deed, and thought,
And I will love other people
As you have loved me.

Thank you.

In your name, I pray,


Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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