Psalm 50 Poem by Justin Reamer

Psalm 50

Yahweh, God of gods,
speaks, He summons the earth.
From east to west.
from Zion, perfection of beauty, He shines.

Let our God come, and be silent no more!

Preceding Him, a devouring fire,
round Him, a raging storm;
He summons the heavens above
and the earth, to His people's trial;

'Assemble the faithful before Me
who sealed My covenant by sacrifice! '
Let the heavens proclaim His righteousness
when God Himself is judge!

'Listen, My people, I am speaking;
Israel, I am giving evidence against you!
I charge, I indict you to your face,
I, God, your God.

'I am not finding fault with your sacrifices,
those holocausts constantly before Me;
I do not claim one extra bull from your homes,
nor one extra goat from your pens,

'since all the forest animals already are Mine,
and the cattle on My mountains in their thousands;
I know all the birds of the air,
nothing moves in the field that does not belong to Me.

'If I were hungry, I should not tell you,
since the world and all it holds is Mine.
Do I eat the flesh of bulls,
or drink goats' blood?

'No, let thanksgiving be your sacrifice to God,
fulfil the vows you make to the Most High;
then you can invoke me in your troubles
and I will rescue you, and you shall honour me'

But to the wicked God says:

'What business have you reciting my statutes,
standing there mouthing the covenant,
since you detest my discipline
and thrust my words behind you?

'You make friends with a thief as soon as you see one,
you feel at home with adulterers,
your mouth is given freely to evil
and your tongue to inventing lies.

'You sit there, slandering your own brother,
you malign your own mother's son.
You do this, and expect me to say nothing?
Do you really think I am like you?

'You are leaving God out of account; take care!
Or I will tear you to pieces where no one can rescue you!
Whoever makes thanksgiving his sacrifice honours Me;
to the upright man I will show how God can save.'

I transcribed this psalm from the Jerusalem Bible so that you can read it and take it to heart. May God bless you!
Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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