Questionnaire For A Trump Voter Poem by Doug Lane

Questionnaire For A Trump Voter

Check your favorites about your man
1) That he's a pathological liar who has told more than 18,000 lies and counting during his administration.
2) That he treats women like trash and targets, grabbing their p.........
3) That he's owned by Putin.And is the greatest double agent in history, working for Russia's welfare, not ours.
4) That he runs a Presidency for Personal and Familial, Profit.
5) That he's completely fumbled the pandemic, causing the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands and the infections of millions.
6) That he's appointed a rogues' gallery to the cabinet, most of whom are intent on destroying their departments. For example, Wheeler of the EPA is destroying both the agency and the environment, Devos of Education is warring on public education.
7)That he's doing everything he can to sabotage and invalidate the upcoming election, including damaging the US Postal Service to undercut voting by mail, and ignoring Russia's interference in our elections.
8) That he has undercut many of our most important alliances, including NATO, and hasalienated many of our heretofore most dependable allies.
9) That his Attorney General, Barr, undercuts the law and the Constitution at every turn in the personal service of Trump.Barr behaves exactly like a lawyer for the mob.
10) That he was impeached for attempting to coerce and bribe the President of the Ukraine in an attempt to get him to attack Trump's #1 political opponent, Biden.
11) That he's a blatant racist and hatemonger and xenophobe who has attacked Blacks, Latinos, Gays, Muslims, and many others.
12) That he's attempting to rule by division and conquest.
13) By botching the pandemic, he has wrecked the economy.
14) That his ignorance of history, geography, science, law, and government is stupefying.
15) That he has a rap sheet of bankruptcies, frauds, and other crimes which is longer, much much longer, than the member he likes to brag about.
16) That he keeps his fishy financial history hidden from Americans. That his vaunted financial success is a fraud subsidized by more than $400 million from his father.
17) That he greatly admires vicious autocrats like the leaders of South Korea, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines.
18) That he considers the free press public enemy #1. And has publicly said so.
19) That he's both a bully and a coward.
20) That he uses the Presidential pardon as a mobster reward those who have committed crimes on his behalf.
21) That he only cares about himself, not the nation.
22) That he takes from the poor, working, and middle classes to give to the rich.
23) That he is, Mr Holyroller, as deeply unChristian a man as it is possible to imagine.....and then some.
24) That he tears weeping children from their parents' arms and puts them in cages.
25) And there's so much more.
26) All of the above.
27) What does that make YOU? !

Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: political humor
Questions, questions, questions.
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