Questions And Answers Poem by Lavigne Kin

Questions And Answers

I sit here and wonder,
I wonder why,
I wonder who,
what, where, and when?
Why all the pain?
Why all the questions?
Why all the suffering?
Who caused my pain? Who has all the answers?
Who will stop the suffering?
What will ease the pain?
What causes the questions?
What curses the suffering?
Where is the pain?
Where are the answers?
Where is the sunshine?
When will I be happy?
When will I stop wondering?
When will everything be normal and fine?
The answers are someday and someone.
Someday there will be no pain.
Someday the questions will disappear.
Someday the suffering will end.
The past causes the pain.
The present holds the answers.
The future will stop the suffering.
Someone will ease the pain.
Someone has the answers.
Someone will ease the suffering.
The pain is gone,
the questioned erased,
the suffering is over.
That someday has come,
and that someone is here,
that someone is you.
You made me happy.
You made me stop wondering.
You made me feel normal again.
You made me feel fine.
Above all, you made me feel safe,
and now I can live again.

Friday, June 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: happy
Earth Poet 23 June 2017

A very good poem I really liked it.

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