R.I.P. 3 Poem by Shelby L

R.I.P. 3

I can't believe that your really gone,
It doesn't seem real.
I remember when I moved up there,
You were the first one to talk to me.
We ended up being the best of friends.
Pizza and snow fights,
Ended up as hotchocolate and being sick the next day.
My dad wasn't around when I was there,
So your dad use to act like my own.
Those school day's when we'd ditch class and go eat lunch early.
No one ever found out either. lol
When I moved back we lost touch with each other,
But still talked once in awhile.
I was suppose to come up last summer and we were going to chill.
But things changed and I couldn't make it.
Now I wish I would have come up,
Cause I'll never get the chance to hang out with ya.
It's been eatting me up inside cause I could have made it there.
But chose not to go up.
Now your gone and in a better place.
I made it up there this time.
Your family and friends miss you dearly.
I think your brother is taking it the hardest.
All I can say is we miss ya and love ya.

R.I.P. Jerrica Emery. 92-09 3

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