Racing Time: The Finish Line Of Life. Poem by Rebecca Mummery

Racing Time: The Finish Line Of Life.

We are all human, and all shall suffer.
When we think, it's rather we try not to,
And when we do think, it's then that life presents itself.
Not that we can see the ugliness, it's rather that ugliness is felt.

What's far more ugly than what is seen, is what is not.
And when we see what is ugly, life is but a comforting hand on a shoulder.
Mystery, it can be the joyful curiosity that leads to discovery.
But the worst kind of mystery is that, that will lead to suffering.
Not everything that lurks behind the corner will greet pleasantly.
The fear in not knowing, all shall suffer.

Many a time, we are caught on unawares,
The bitterness in life embraces us with a ticking bomb,
Sighs, smirks, grimaces and stares.
The time is short, but the climb back up to the top is long.

Time is sprinting away with our key to the door,
And our firm grasp on the grenade will continue to be,
If the door cannot be unlocked,
Time ticking away our life, waging our own private war.

Next time we sit in the Garden of Contentment,
It's fine to observe those in the backgarden of Unfortunate.
We glance backward, and forward strain our eyes,
So we stay seated, contented in the garden with our eyes shut.
But what comes from behind has a journey to complete,
For our eyes are shut, we fail to see the Unfortunate that is gaining on us.

What enters our life with sudden impact,
We may dismiss the alien, the alien is impossible to be the alien in our own life,
But it will never seem the inevitable portion that our life has lacked,
Hence the sudden impact, the driving force that meets the dead end...
The race of time, the finish line of life.

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