Realisation! Poem by Flencirose Basera


A solitary figure!
A shadow of the person that once was
The raging waves of the sea
Coupled with the angry dark clouds above
Resemble the emotions within
The face is pretty like a mermaid
Smiling and acknowledging others
Everything will be all right
That hope that survives amongst hopelessness
Can my spirit look into my soul?
Do you think my soul can reveal the solution to my answers?
The body just exhibits a strong unbreakable will
How far is this journey going to carry on?
Who is going to hear the cry for help I am sending through?
Those that I have connected to have forsaken me
Duty calls to pressing things in their lives
Dim realisation that one has to break the ground the hard way
I throw a stone and I watch it bounce and disappear
Plop the drops of water fly in a natural rhythm
A trickle of my warm tears runs down my face
The overwhelming feeling of loneliness overcomes me
So far away from everything I hold dear
So many people around me yet I am so alone
I am stuck in limbo
I can not come or go
Someone identifies me with a number holds my fate
Just a number
A number with children that cannot remember her face
An image that fades after a decade
A number that cannot fend for her own
Just a number
That has to wait!
I wish you were here to tell me that all is well
To hold my hand to comfort me
To make me whole again
I am sorry I am just a number so I could not say goodbye to you

Flencirose Basera

Flencirose Basera

Charter, Zimbabwe
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