Reality Xx Xxx Xx Improvisation 12 22 2015 Poem by Lee Mack

Reality Xx Xxx Xx Improvisation 12 22 2015

Charlotte, N.C.28269

Improvisation 12 18 2015
Original 12 16 2015


Clinical hypocrisy Negro bridges
Of infrastructure foundation for
Banking fathers' certainty provide
For State and estate planning and
Funding for elite white estate
Brotherhood group deception for
Generations at the expense of
Schizophrenic white supremacist
In-laws of soulless brotherhoods
Hear the old sounds - kick back to
Memories of realities

Once in a lifetime inspired music
Playing background to a muse
To White only money prophetic in
Law and neo-testament doctrine
Reproach (rejoice) in unforgiving
Legalizing and Judaizing teachers
To ungraceful paraboloid shaped
Inhumanity trends of financing the
Privileged of banking, insurance
Plagiarists of origins of humanity
Of equity interest realities

Instruments unmentioned in entire
Bibles and omitted in economic
Treatise on Capitalism in the 21st
Century by French/English authors
And essayists writing poetry singing
To the Neo-Geo-Negro - the poetry
Sung with guitars on top of a blues
The new bass balanced brass and
Strings follow the lead to want and
The treble tinnitus from chips spun
Off twist and tort of Yogananda drills
On the simple word binding on the
Cosmos out of range of supreme soul
To breach others' liberties

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. Do not reproduce without permission.

(Lee B. Mack, Realities, page 2 of 2)

To have each other and roll with
Harmonizing muse and imaginary
Things - have caprice sisters?
Without subtlety offerings with
Your heat sent by liberation
Movements in waves of fragrances
Woman you smother imagination
With every presentation accepting
Blind love from down drafts of
Breaths from the fluttering beat
of wings entering the room to turn
Visions into signs and charms of
Inescapable realities.

Hers are all the need to please
Grace is all that is left to want
Received to leave everything else
In mystery - Would it be magic
If imagination sent prayers to
A derelict god turned aside
With divine shotgun in hand
Threatening derelict white man
Disobedience to culture's promise
To nature' realities

Imagination taken for granted
As secret synchronous prayers
And answers in felicitous poetry
In promises made never to divulge
To ever disclaim the fatherhood
Blessings to care for three sons
Having love the proof of caring for
One - another by the marriage of
Sharing - another of concubine
Another by rape of a woman held as
Property without long term benefit
And financial provision listed in
The estate as slave to disceptive
Without answer the rest imagination
Waves of light on realities.

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. Do not reproduce without permission.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: imagination
Lee Mack

Lee Mack

Shelbyville Kentucky
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