Red Robbing You Poem by Fox Tail

Red Robbing You

There once was a child
Pre-teen of the sort
Who loved to climb walls and 'borrow' as a sport
She thought she was the best
For she led a whole guild
Of people like her who all like to steal
Not much of a thief
Only the guards called her that
She was a hero
More than she was thought of a brat

A white mask was used to cover her face,
And a cape made of lace was there to cover her trace.
She worked in the night,
And slept in the day.
No use of asking why,
That was just her own way.
Her people, the citizens of a fine city.
Dated back in 1483, renaissance Italy.
Their economy was down,
Their money had drowned,
Florins were rare to be seen around.
Corrupt as their king was,
(With his imported clothes,
And vast amount of stoves,
Endless amount of servings,
And strange love of toast,)
He still didn't give a care,
For he resembled a bear,
Snug and slight peach fuzz,
While sitting on his chair.

He spent all his florins,
(Including his servant's,)
All on pasta you see.
He couldn't get enough,
Ravioli was his stuff,
And that's how he lost all their money.

Back to the thief who saw the young king
Gorging himself on some Chef Boyardee
Spotted his crown on top of his head
When she was aiming to steal some bread
So she, the thief, sat on the table
Surrounded by many pizza bagels
And smiled upon the hefty king
With a con thought up in her head suddenly
(As she reached to grab a chunk of some cheese)
'So king, I've noticed all you eat are these carbs. I would appreciate if you would sit and starve -for a moment or two, that is what I mean, and look at this cheese that's fit for a king.'
'That is fine cheese, ' the King agreed, 'What are you planning to do with that thing? '
'I'm wondering if you would like to eat it.'
Surely one taste was all that he needed
The taste of Cheese-Its and all of his snacks
Made him tiresome and in need of a nap
So he fell on over, rolled right on his back!

The young thief, smiling beyond her mask,
Picked up the crown and noticed a gash.
The crown was cracked! but inside she noticed,
A small hidden chamber that held a small token.
She searched the man's pockets and found a strange map.
With land marked with a big, red check
As she fled the royal dining room in a flash,
she looked for the castle's big door real fast
And hopped out a window into some trash
Finally leading to a bright treasure chest.
Overflowing with florins from her citizens,
she called on her thieves, who called on their friends.
And brought the chest out, (which weighed tons of tons,)
And spread the florins while having their fun.
Now her land was full at last
Full of joy, money, and laughs

Fox Tail

Fox Tail

Chicago, Illinois
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