The holy scripture begin with creation story and mankind mandate.
God created me in his own image and likeness
And rule over the world
I wonder how God look like?
I believe God is love and truth.
Do I look like God?
Do my walk reflect His image?
Am used to betray my creator
I misuse the Holy scripture; self gain and cult
Where is the love? Where is the one cord in the book of Act of Apostle?
Corruption is my bath: pride my song and lifestyle,
Lying my meal and prostitution my best game
I don't fear anything
Preaching water my hobby: do I believe in my messages?
Reading the story of Samson: it reminds me of my character
I start my walk strongly and finish poorly
Lion lives a better life than me.lion understand and knows the law of ecosystem
God has a purpose for everything;
The only problem I don't learn
Why should i blame the world?
If am not trustworthy
Being unfaithful don't suit me
My life is upset and leaves far away from me
If am not trustworthy to myself, why dream a better country?
I should take a step of faithfulness.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem