Felix Otiende

Felix Otiende Poems

U told me u love me
Where as you know that
You just like me
Oh poor me i believed in ur words


My deepest and heartfelt thanks to Roseline Owegi

My World


I have received favour from the Lord and respect from men.
From the moment you entered the door of my life.
You filled my soul with joy and happiness.

When I am with you I feel complete
My world circulates just right within us
My mind rejuvenates with your words
Every other thing becomes invisible.


I have a lament to the heavens
I have questions burning within

Blessed be your name Yahweh
My heart yearns for you
Since I met you, you have been a blessing, and joy
Now am coming in your house with my problems

It's a big day!
Not just a big day, a day to remember, a day where the story begins,
A day full of joy and happiness,
Not just a day for anyone


Everytime I look into your eyes I see my paradise
Can this be real
Are you the one for me
You have captured my mind, my heart, my soul on earth

The holy scripture begin with creation story and mankind mandate.
God created me in his own image and likeness
And rule over the world

My pain
She didn't looked back
She didn't think about where we start
She didn't think about what we been


We shall live to show up our joy
Our hands shall be together in the living and fairytale life
Our only child would be our third company, our only child would be our goal keeper
Our only child will renew the vanished blue sky, will brighten our dreams


The darkest hour comes before dawn,

I lived and loved
None of mine was appreciated
So i closed my eyes and walked way
But the heart still remembers


Am lost; Am lost emotionally
Can someone show me my way through the thicket
I can't find my way


Love is a blessing to explore with those who are responsible for your smiles.
Hate is negative energy that makes you judge what you fail to understand.
A smile can teach you to appreciate things unpredictable.
Laughter is the joy your soul feeds to your flesh.

Baby l have never forced you to do anything
Today l speak from my heart
You are my joy: my only hope of living

Everytime I look into your eyes I see my paradise
Can this be real
Are you the one for me
You have captured my mind, my heart, my soul on earth

Don't fall in love with a stranger,
I am unpredictable,
I only use love to achieve my goals.

My dreamer
I remain awake countless nights
Tell me please, what can I do?
When you get upset with me, my heart breaks


Every time I think of you,

Things don't seem the same, Thoughts always change,

The Best Poem Of Felix Otiende

How Stupid Am I

U told me u love me
Where as you know that
You just like me
Oh poor me i believed in ur words
U promised me the world
Where as you know deep down that you talking about the world of fantasies
U even said that without me
You won't survive
But here you are
Ouh poor me i fall for your lies
How can i be so stupid?
I don't believe myself
I used to cry all night
I used to pray for you to change
But now i can tell
You don't deserve me
Yes i am not enough for and i will never be
I did everything just to show my love for you
But you were so blind to see
I gave you my best
My dignity
My pride
And u chose to thank me
With nothing but pains
Now i am setting you free
Its time for me to go my own way
Not bcz i want to
But bcz i have to
I am tired of being ur victim
I am tired of being in love alone
I will move on maybe not soon
But eventually
With the hope that someday
You will realize that
Someone really cared for you
And truly loved you
For now let me pick up
My broken heart pieces
And leave you with peace
So Good byee
I appreciate each and every
Lesson you taught me
Each and every way you tried just to break my heart.

Felix Otiende Comments

kevin 10 November 2021

good work, good art

0 0 Reply

Felix Otiende Quotes

Until I achieve my dreams, my life will never leave my body.its slavery for a couple of days: the body salute it.

The debt that life has on me, I will repay at any cost.pain, betrayal won't stop me

Humble and patience are the only key to peace and success

Don't let anyone decide your life issues. A time will come when you will be dancing their song and being tormented inwardly. And no one will give you a hand.

If you can't be a sweat on the battle I fight then we can't drink from the same pot. © Fely g

It's better to sail alone on a boat than be with someone who can't help you peddle. © Fely g

I know you like your friends so much. My question is do they care about your growth? © Fely g

Most people forget the thirst they had before an oasis appears, they end up polluting the same water. Just like a pregnant woman when experiencing labour pain will promise never to give birth again and later seen in the same hospital. Humble yourself when the light knock in ©Fely g

Surely in life I will fall a lot of times. I have it clear in my mind, I'm going to continue fighting and trying until I achieve my dreams © Fely g chronicles

It's easy to light a fire and very dangerous to play with fire. Fely g chronicles

Pain should make us realize our purpose. Don't live on the wounds Fely g chronicles

You can't see your back, so don't be in a hurry to laugh when someone has a bedbug on his/her back. Fely g

A wise farmer will never eat the seeds for next season

It's easy to blame people and judge them. What would you have done if you were in their shoes? We are not perfect but trying to live a realistic life © Wuod Adida Fely g poetry

Don't judge based on rumours. Collect all facts and do analysis. But still know everyone is evolving. © Fely g chronicles

Preach to a harlot at her place and have the best reminder. Sometime in life flee from what you think and feel. © Fely g chronicles Wuod Adida nya-magwar

Preach to a harlot at her place and have the best reminder.

It's better to trust a green snake on a green grass than a pessimistic friend and naysayer. © Fely g chronicles

The moment you will learn to love and hug your enemies. Then you will know the danger within the circle. © Fely g chronicles @Wuod Adida nya-magwar

Don't be an image driven person. Since no one has ever pleased the world. © Fely g chronicles

We only judge actions, dig deeper to previous events. © Fely g chronicles ®Wuod Adida, mama nyar alego magwar

The juicy mango fruit on the tree taste bitter than poisonous snake © Fely g chronicles

It's better to live in unforgivable than in betrayal © Fely g chronicles

When you hug a cobra snake, it's more pleasure than keeping a chameleon. Fely g chronicles Wuod Adida mama nyar alego magwar Kindness and generosity is my song and religion

If you see a drunk man in the morning don't blame the past generations. The current situation ©Fely g chronicles

When a cow befriend a cub, know that onions and tomatoes have a fight with cooking oil. Fely g chronicles Kindness and generosity is my song and religion

An orphan cub might lie down and ants will fill it's mouth, at a pointed time even the elephant will be terrified at it's voice Fely g chronicles

If your young adopt cat still visit previous owner, know that soon mice will finish your clothes. Fely g chronicles Kindness and generosity is my song and religion

Until you become a victim of predicament. You will never be a good preach. ©Fely g chronicles Wuod adida mama nya alego

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