Religion ***** Your Soul Will Be Saved! Poem by Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

Religion ***** Your Soul Will Be Saved!

Rating: 5.0

The true Church of Christ
preaching plain gospel of truth
no single minister's own interpretation
and multitude citizens around the world
embrace for souls promised salvation
not for wealth acquisition that are perishables

By the last century Christians
Jesus preached the true one God
the Father, the Creator in spirit
and Jesus himself is a man in flesh
a redeemer, a sinless mediator between
chosen flock and in God's thrown in heaven

In these last days Iglesia Ni Cristo
emerged in the far east
in the islands Philippines
at the ends of the earth
upholding biblical prophecies
spreading original doctrine of the Messiah
tyhru the last messenger of God
as mustard seed now multiplies into diverse races
and day by day, more and more
people join the flock

For those who are not yet inside..............
Don't waste time
Listen attentively to the words of God
believe faithfully all logical evidence
from the scriptures
without addition and subtraction from it

and your mind will be enlightened
and your soul will be saved
away from the lake of fire - the immortal punishments
for non-believers

Ashraful Musaddeq 03 June 2009

'Don't waste time Listen attentively to the words of God believe faithfully all logical evidence from the scriptures without addition and subtraction from it' 10 for the excellent message of this poem.

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Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

a.k.a. Jetfellow Marchanism
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