Remember My Name Poem by Raj Choudary

Remember My Name

My name is Raj Choudary and I'm about six years old.
My mommy is my favorite,
One time for Halloween,
I dressed up as Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean,
And I said,
"Mommy, like my beard of testicles? ",
And she was laughing from some reason!
Mommy can't see me anymore,
Even when I visit her in her home,
She's usually crying,
Cursing at a guy named Adam Lanza for killing me.
I don't know who he is though.
The last day I saw Mommy was on December 14,2012,
I remember how Mommy kissed me on the cheeks,
And said that today would be a good day,
I had brought a black book filled with every single one of my Pokémon cards for show and tell,
I hugged her one last time and headed off to school.

My name is Raj Choudary and I'm about six years old.
I sat at my desk,
Next to Eric,
Eric was my best friend,
But he was picking his nose,
So he was not my best friend on that day.
The clock struck 9: 30,
And the speakers started blaring out words like,
Suddenly, I saw a man carrying a very big gun,
He slammed open the door,
And a very loud noise came from the gun,
And before I knew it,
I just disappeared.
I watched Mommy visit the classroom where I was shot,
She was crying,
The tears kept rolling down her face.
I wanted to hug her,
But she could not feel me,
I did not exist anymore.

My name is Raj Choudary and I'm about six years old.
The news came out the next day,
And I looked for my name on the list,
Of the dead people in Sandy Hook.
But written boldly on the headline was just the number 27,
Not my name,
Just the number 27.
Mommy also looked for my name,
But she couldn't find it,
The news hadn't written the names,
Even though Mommy had given permission.
And then, people forgot about Sandy Hook,
Then, people talked about how it was only 27,
Then, no one remembered me except for Mommy,
And now, America isn't doing anything!
And then, another shooting happens.
America isn't doing anything to protect children like me,
Because they can't protect a number.
How many more children have to die before you say their name?
How long will it be till I'm forgotten?
I wish that I could hug my Mommy again,
Don't make other children wish they could hug their Mommys again,
But with sad things comes hope,
With sad things comes action,
I do not know much,
But if I know one thing,
It's to never ever forget my name,
And to never ever stop fighting,
Pinky promise?

Friday, July 13, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: remembrance
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