
Why is respect such a word that is very hard to give these days
When I have shown you clearly the respect and humility in my ways
Does my poetry shows me rather being boastful and also conceited
If it does please do make the necessary comment for you are permitted
I do believe that I am free to express my thoughts and so are you
Does my words mock your corrupt church in your own point of view
Or did I rather step on your precious dignity with my freedom of speech
That you have to play with my emotion and mind that is within your reach
Yes I admit I have done some lying, cheating and stealing in order to survive
But I'm not doing this to get rich and famous but a means of staying alive
I am not a good child or even a brother to my family in fact I am a bad one
But why do you think my God still bless and protect me after all I've done
For deep down inside he knows that I have a pure and sincere soul
And he knows if given a chance I'd be better that you in the given role
Does your title even give you the right to judge against my personality
When my accusations against you are somehow the truth and reality
Yes I am not perfect that even I myself have done things you hated
But I would always be known for my generosity which is over rated
So let these Gods you speak of strike me now so I could also strike back
For I will unleash a force against you that would make this planet crack
Your priests and nuns speak of kindness or holiness yet they are despicable
For in my own eyes they are selfish and greedy in a manner which is terrible
Your leaders are mostly incompetent in dealing with the truth
Making promises that until now have still not bear any fruit
Most of the rich are starving the poor while the righteous simply look the other way
In a country where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer they say
So try to destroy or disrespect me in any possible way you can
For I will strike back against all of you for I am the only sun
Let the God you speak of punish me now and see the result
As my men now gather to renew the attack and the assault
While you watch with your prejudice eyes such loss of life so dear
For we will again strike with such horrendous terror and fear

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