Revelation Poem by Göran Gustafsson


At a place where secrets flow
Seven seals of Revelation glow
A tale of ages, and visions rare
A journey through celestial air

A rider dressed in white and gold,
A conqueror whose tale is bold
A bow in hand, a crown he wears,
He rides ahead, destiny he dares

A fiery horse, a crimson hue
The second seal reveals a clue
A rider takes the peace away
As wars ignite, night turns to day

A black horse stands with scales in hand
A balance in this barren land
Famine stalks with hunger's plea
The third seal's message, clear to see

A horse as pale as life's last breath
The fourth seal's rider deals with death
Across the earth, a plague is cast
As life departs, shadows are amassed

Beneath the altar, souls reside
The fifth seal shows the martyrs' pride
Their voices rise in plaintive plea
Justice for blood, let truth be free

The sun turns black, the moon aghast
The sixths seal's sight, a world surpassed
Stars fall like leaves in autumn breeze
As heavens quake, and earth's unrest frees.

Seventh seal breaks, silence profound
A prelude to judgment's trumpet sound
Heaven stands still, a moment's grace,
Before the final cosmic embrace.

In the tapestry of Revelation's rhyme,
Seven seals unfold across the time.
A tale of trials, hope, and grace,
Guidin' humanity's celestial chase.

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