Richard M. Nixon Poem by jackilton peachum

Richard M. Nixon


I suppose a man doesn't have much choice
About the kind of life he leads--
He leads the kind of life he's been given.
Ya know, I opened the door to China,
I ended the war in Viet Nam,
an' canceled the drafting of our young men,
and brought this country stability when it needed it!
I worked very hard to bring on genuine world peace,
-- a treaty with the Russians limiting arms--
Ending the cold war's long nuclear nightmare!
Heck, we even put a man on the moon!
But I never had any luck-
From the time when I was a child in California,
And I fell out of that horse-drawn carriage--
The big wheel ran right over my head!
Dick Nixon never got a fair deal--
and there were always people after my scalp
- Communists- Democrats- pinko leftists--
That's why I made my list of enemies!
Now, here I am, President of the United States--
The most powerful man in the free world,
Being pulled under by my friends--.
A mean little third-rate burglary--
(Which, by the way, I never authorized!)
An' like a fool I went an' tried to protect them!
So-- they're turned on me like ghouls at a corpse!
That man Dean- what was it he said to me?
"There's a cancer on the Presidency-! "
And I suppose I'm what needs to be cut out!
Well, I ask you now-- what would you have done?
I guess a man's gotta protect his friends!
- But don't count me out- I'm not done yet--
I've been down before- an' I always get back up!
Defeat don''t finish a man- quit does! .
Lyndon Johnson was one a heck'of a politician,
He knew everything there is to know about politics--
And he prophesied about Viet Nam--
"The President who retreats from this war
Will be impeached in office! "--
God, is that what's happening?
Kissinger, come in here- it's time we prayed!

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