Rock Bottom Poem by Annalise Bennett

Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom is some fictitious, far off land
Where folks always say change is waiting…
I didn't find change waiting for me…
At Rock Bottom.

I found the empty, hollow faces
Of drug addicts and war veterans,
I heard some of the loneliest tales
Of abandonment, loss, and disappointment;
Some of which mirrored my own tales
of grief, bitterness, and survival.
I found kindred spirits at Rock Bottom.

I found her…
Hungry and scared…just as lonely and broken as I was.
Unable to feed herself or even to get out of bed
So we worked…Little by little; day-by-day
As I fed her and helped teach her how to walk,
I found my purpose at Rock Bottom.

I found you…
You - who I had purposefully hurt -
You - who I had tried and tried to push away -
You - who kept coming back -
You - who loved me even though -
I found unconditional love at Rock Bottom.

I didn't find change waiting for me….
At Rock Bottom.
I found friends, purpose, and you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: suicide
I wrote this poem after I hit the supposed 'rock bottom' which, for me, was in the behavioral health unit of my local hospital under a 72 hour suicide watch. I didn't realize it at the time, but my rock bottom, was my saving grace, and I am so thankful that I reached 'rock bottom.'
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