Ruminating Poem by Knoxy Tomar


All relationships are like the vegetation that grows in the garden of your heart
Some planted recently while some which have been there from the very start
Some are like the coastal redwoods protruding high into the clouds
While some small and tender like the daffodils growing in happy crowds
These plants take nutrients and water in the form of love and affection
The bigger they are the more they take time and attention

There comes spring when these trees blossom
But there also comes autumn when all the leaves fall
There comes a sore winter where happiness freezes
But there also comes a humid summer when the trees grow tall
Some just don't grow even after much effort and much time
While some shoot up like the great beanstalk sublime

An outsider can only observe the above-ground shoot
But something even more significant exists down below- the roots
They are the foundation on which the plant exists
They are what derives the love due to which the shoot persists
They penetrate directly into your heart and make a firm hold
Some go deep enough to extract love even when life gets severely cold

There might be some giant trees with little to no roots
Looking at which people might assume that it's a healthy plant that bears plenty of fruits
There may also be shrubs having roots that reach the very bedrock
The small shoot can be cut but the connection still remains intensely locked
The deeper the radicle goes the more entangled it gets
Impossible to pluck all of it, many fragments remain - regrets.

There also grows some unwanted undesirable weeds
Which forcefully feeds on one and doesn't allow the germination of any other seeds
It may hurt to remove them but it's a necessary pain
Cause if you let them grow, they will rapidly expand and exhaust till nothing remains
And when nothing is left for them to gain
They will retreat their roots and move onto another garden,
Only then will you realize you wasted away all your efforts in vain

So one should instead dedicate themselves to the trees which bring back fruits and rain.

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