Run! ! ! Poem by Kaia Williams

Run! ! !

This is a song not a poem! ! ! ! ...

verse 1
Your trapped, cursed
and buried into the
tormental place of sorrowful dreams
Barricated beneath your
solid ground of
joyful cries!
Your fighting for your
freedom and your life.
But once your free
RUN! Run to the Lamb! ! !
Run as fast as you can.
Run and save your life

verse 2
Now your free and all
you want to do is cry..
Cry in the presence of the Lord! ! !
Just bow before him
and all your troubled fears, your
dreams turned to fears...
My child just SCREAM! ! ! !

For the praises and the glory,
you give me.
I shall take care of your
burdened troubles, all you
have to do is sing in my
Holy name of love! ! ! !

You've been betrayed and feel like
your life's been crushed by darkness.
Hope is gone, lies defeated,
strength weakend,
you whole life is gone wasted...
Dear child just RUN! ! RUN! !
just run to God and
he'll hold you close!
Just RUN! ! ! RUN! ! !
Dear God hold fears! ..

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