Running Forward Poem by Danny Ballan

Running Forward

Running forward towards life you and I-
With faces blistering against the scorching sun.
Every trench dug on our faces pretends
To wrinkle us out of youth and flair;
When they're the foundation of a new man and woman,
A building on which is meant to be built to stand.

The rivers of woe and oblivion to which we seem invulnerable-
For a choice starts what we lament and what we forget,
And the life that stretches its arms on the road ahead
Is a result of the roads we took yesterday.
So proud of everything and every single step-
After inventing the light a thousand failures matters not;
And the world many times was destroyed
Only to be rebuilt much stronger-
To fight alongside each other.

No eclipse would manage to conceal us,
And no wrath of Zeus would manage to sink us never,
Together all the world is rebuilt with our two hands,
No hungry men, homeless children, or wronged women.
The wizards of old crafted many powerful tricks
To turn evil against its creators and to fall back;
We have the truth, no tricks and no games.

Only the truth like a mountain flower born on bare rocks,
Not the hardest material was able to cut their heart open,
But the soft smooth drop of water.
This is a life worthy of living for;
Only losers go rush their death.

Monday, July 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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