Saint Madre Teresa Poem by Jacson Gelato

Saint Madre Teresa

Show me one person on this earth
who from youthful days to wrinkled age
lived and worked with untiring zeal
for the diseased and the blind
for the lepers and the aged
for the orphans and the homeless.
Show me a rich man who for years
have fed the hungry and the starving
without wanting their services or gains
or without seeking anything in return?
Show me a politician who has walked
through your neighbourhood
without asking for your vote
and then not forgotten his promises;
Show me a world leader who has
for full fifty years of his life time,
shown compassion or sacrificed his time,
his youth, his age, his inputs
to help the needy and the destitute
by providing education to the orphans
or shelter to the homeless
or medicines to the sick and dying.
Show me a doctor who has constantly
carried his diseased patients to his home
and nursed them till they breathed their last.
Show me a man who spent his energy
and all the moments of his life, nursing the lepers
without apprehensions of infection.....
And, I will tell you of a woman who did all these
and though she was born in another country
she came and traveled thro the slums of India
and in that city called Calcutta
she gathered the ailing and the dying
the homeless and the lepers
and offered them care and consolation;
she was neither a doctor nor a leader
neither a politician nor a prime minister
but she was just a nun who wore a white saree
and asked many other nuns to join her
to help the poorest of the poor
not only in India but the world all over,
that living saint was Mother Teresa.

Saint Madre Teresa
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: saint
Mother Teresa was unique and sincere. She never forgot her commitments to the suffering people. Would you and I ever do charitable work like her?
Joshua Hudson 07 September 2016

That was a beautiful woman and that was a beautiful poem

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