Say A Prayer Poem by Modupeola Williams

Say A Prayer

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When I realize I could have been 'out there'
I bow my head and say a prayer;
For all the lost and the broken
Who are told they are weak.
For those who roam the night walking without sleep.
For the head of hair that's always damp,
And the one who wears the coat that's never quite warm enough.
For those who rest on cement beds, make asphalt their pillow,
Who slumber under a blanket of moonbeams and stars.
For the hands that hold the empty coffee cup looking for loose change,
Those who wake each day eager for the getaway train.
For the ones who stand at the corner singing siren calls,
Who will be whatever you want if you let some dollar bills fall.
For all who freeze in the snow, and shiver in the cold,
Who know the value of a cup of soup burning hot in their throats.
For those who wait in line for shelter-first come first serve,
The young and the old that don't know where to turn.
For the shaky hands looking for another needle.
The stranger looking for a way to forget what once was.
Say a prayer when you remember them, and like I do now,
forget them not.

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