Say No To Assault Poem by Raimi Babatunde

Say No To Assault

Against her will
They took her pride
She cried to the gods
Until her tear glad emptied
But the gods were busy
Tending to other matters
As they were not Omni present

Again they came
Like a thief in the night
She struggled and cried
Got a broken wrist for resistance
But they had their way
Broke her hemen
And took her pride

When they came again
She wrestled not
For she was defenseless
Like a helpless Gazelle
She looked on
As they defiled her
This time, the umpteenth

An angel came by
At least, she feigned it
Promised her heaven on earth
A life beyond the normal
A life of freedom and prosperity
Only if she embarked on the journey
A journey across the Mediterranean

What a world!
For the want of a life
She lost her life
She lost herself and her dignity
She traveled through Kano
Enroute Niger to Agadez
Sold into slavery
Abused by slave masters

Eventually she made the journey
She found herself in Lampedusa
Now she must survive
So she embraced the age long profession
Became a master of the game
Under the tutelage of her Madam
She laboured from below
Becoming enslaved forever

Who is to blame?
A failed society?
Moral decadence?
Greed or ignorance?
Insufficient foreign aids?
Or the craze for materialism?
Just look in the mirror
The answer stares
Like an Eagle to a waterfowl

I know you hurt
Yes, you do!
Deep down you hurt
No excuse is excusable
To validate your escapades
Maybe the next
Bequeaths you a gift
That which has killed over a million
And still counting

Don't say i did not warn you
At least with my poem
Written straight from the heart
As a token of my love
For the benefit of man
And to the glory of the Creator

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: morality
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