Say Nothing Out Loud Poem by Timothy Branch

Say Nothing Out Loud

Without saying, when abbreviated it's just four letters required to say it. How did you SNOL? What did you say?
When you SNOL, do you dial a phone number, wait for someone to answer just to give them empty breaths from your end? Or do you beckon a driving passerby to the curbside only to SNOL? Or is social media the way to seize an even larger captive audience to SNOL?

I got one better for those listening and or reading. The daily dosage of empty news releases of the failed leadership of the elected select few. Voted in, paid by, given lifetime benefits, and sent to Washington, D.C. by me and you.

Do you sit, pen or type a one-fingered argument for your favorite side when the select, elect misrepresent both sides? When neither side can see that their point is not bigger than the plight of America's old and young, with every last one of them, I have a problem. Have they grown so old and callous that we cannot see the innocent lives of family, friends, and neighbors' companions whose livelihood and futures hang in the balance of their failed decisions?
Why have sight without vision? Derision and foolishness and contempt fills the hearts of those men and women with idle pens desks who are committed months ago to SNOL. Silence is agreement with the crash course just ahead. Regrettably they have been committed for months in Washington, D.C. to SNOL.

So too have the people like me and you who settle from taxation without representation. That's bigger than the slogan on license plates in the capitol city of this nation. Wake up; wake up from being a SNOL nation.

Timothy Branch

Timothy Branch

Petersburg, Virginia
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