Saying Goodbye Poem by faith toney

Saying Goodbye

Love is fake
love is real
ya I did it again
what the big deal
I hurt myself
so what? I do it all the time
why do u care now
when u didn’t care then
it was easy the words floated out
as they did so many times
I know your not stupid
but please use your mind
not just your mind but heart and soul
your all angry
that’s not new
but this I felt renewed
I got the higher advantage
I have god
and you don’t
I don’t mean to brag
but your selfishness might make you end low
its not my fault
I have to let go
for once I felt great knowing I tried
but its not up to me
I just planted a seed
its not in your hands now
its up to the big guy
the one you claim not to know
he who is slow to angry
im guessing you need to take a lesson
you hurt yourself over and over
but im sorry im giving up
you gave me no choice
so im saying goodbye
but don’t forget I love you forever
heaven or hell
the love we shared isn’t going anywhere

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