Scorched Futures Poem by Patrick White

946 / 834
Patrick White

Patrick White

Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada

Scorched Futures

Scorched futures adjourn the skull's medley of escapes
when hell tunes the vibrant spinal cord
to one translucent black note. I don't expect
to be believed by any but the insane inoculants of the hour.

Call it what you will, evil, error, sin, ignorance or ego; it wears
a planet of masks and a great white smile
to get around like blood amongst itself; sometimes barely visible wolves,
often, the cracked cup of the one you love
lying face-down like a wilderness, dead at the table,
blue copper sulphate slipping silently from the corners of the mouth
like a serpent or a doctor leaving a doomed house.

These days you can look through a library of mirrors
for uncontaminated eyes and see nothing for years
but an eerie oatmeal normality that belies
the pain on the shadow of the face
condemned to terminal row for life, asking silently
to be delivered from itself like a posthumous letter of regret.

Now the wounds are deeper than the deaths,
great cosmic slashes that plunder the swollen womb of its birth-stars
and render the mother still-born and dark. Death
knocks and a greater terror opens the door.

And this foolishness hasn't got a name, a characteristic.
There is no way to distinguish the sneer from the smile.
Call it your life but you don't know what it is
when the darkening hills open their mouths like fish
and swallow the sun, the moon, the stars. Shadows written
on pages of light, and you, an illiterate.

The river dreams it has no banks; space finally gets the point
and a million unreal worlds fall like leaves
from an imaginary tree full of the moments
of birds, a clock of birds, each an hour and an aeon, over
before they begin. Late for your birth and too early for death,
you make a life to pass the time; you draw your face
upon the waters of illusion with your finger; the face lingers
and the waters keep moving. Somehow you feel
left out, left behind, abandoned by the flowing.

Eventually you drown in your own face to ease
the irresistible current of your own longing to belong.
Is this illumination, arrival, or suicide?
Maybe the sea will receive you like a word
it whispered into its own ear; maybe this is your afterlife
and you're too enamored of the dream
to wake up in paradise. Or maybe this is the clearing of the throat
we call hell and all the songs are broken, all the wings are ruined,
fractured guitars, idiot lighthouses stammering to the storm.

Goat-junk, even the holiest. And now there is this emptiness left,
this debtor-zero that goes from door to door
asking if anyone in the house owes it anything,
its eyes, two begging bowls, its heart, a panicked furnace
eating lethal salads of incriminating Nazi documents,
the bitter herbs of withered victory gardens.

You're trying to finance a movie of your fingerprints; you're
lost and yet you're standing at the crossroads like a street sign,
your emotional life, a traffic-light
in a cemetery where even the ghosts can't give you any direction.

So what are you now; what address would you offer the stars
that have pulled you over for delirious living?
Everything, a huge lie, corrective vision, a lifeboat full of sharks.

That's when love blooms like a white star on a dead branch of the night
and too desperate to obey, you bite into
the black apple of your own heart, trying to stir
your dispirited cauldrons of boiling vinegar
into the golden foil of joyous ciders. Don't you see;
this time around
it's the star that goes looking for the magi; it's
the garden that gives names to Adam and Eve; it's
the sinner that saves the messiah.

946 / 834
Patrick White

Patrick White

Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
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