Suicide poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best suicide poems ever written. Read all poems about suicide.
I see you drinking at a fountain with tiny
blue hands, no, your hands are not tiny
they are small, and the fountain is in France
where you wrote me that last letter and
I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned at life in empty joy,
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
And whistled early with the lark.
Ere the birth of my life, if I wished it or no
No question was asked me--it could not be so !
If the life was the question, a thing sent to try
And to live on be YES; what can NO be ? to die.
Heavenly cursed and heavily sinned I
No more i like to add them, so, I want to die
And I want to become a holy ghost
Whom the people would like the most.
when God created love he didn't help most
when God created dogs He didn't help dogs
when God created plants that was average
when God created hate we had a standard utility
Call it a good marriage -
For no one ever questioned
Her warmth, his masculinity,
Their interlocking views;
They don't make it
the beautiful die in flame-
suicide pills, rat poison, rope what-
Less time than it takes to say it, less tears than it takes to die; I've taken account of everything,
there you have it. I've made a census of the stones, they are as numerous as my fingers and some
Suicide, suicide
Your presence is near
Suicide, suicide
I wish you were here
Deeming that I were better dead,
"How shall I kill myself?" I said.
Thus mooning by the river Seine
I sought extinction without pain,
And this, ladies and gentlemen, whom I am not in fact
Conducting, was his office all those minutes ago,
This man you never heard of. These are the bills
In the intray, the ash in the ashtray, the grey memoranda stacked
the lady has me temporarily off the bottle
and now the pecker stands up
however, things change overnight--
Days fill with pictures
At the edge
of remotely located
heart broken dorm
The gallows in my garden, people say,
Is new and neat and adequately tall;
I tie the noose on in a knowing way
As one that knots his necktie for a ball;
When I die
I don't care what happens to my body
throw ashes in the air, scatter 'em in East River
bury an urn in Elizabeth New Jersey, B'nai Israel Cemetery
Martini on the rocks
Spilled over the tabletop
Wetting the Oakwood
Like a chemical spillage
Suicide, suicide wishing I were dead.
Suicide, suicide deep in my head.
Suicide, suicide cutting my wrists.
Suicide, suicide I'm so done with this.
HALL, TERRY Y53732 07/03/2022 R.M.C.- MAIN UNIT Natural Closed
PARKER, ROBERT 279066 07/03/2022 UNION C.I. Accident OPEN-FDLE
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Seal of the Florida Department of Corrections
Florida Department of Corrections
'Inspiring Success by Transforming One Life at a Time'
Down at suicide city,
Null of pride and past all pity.
Suicide city:
A stressed out Walter Mitty,
Suicide, suicide
Your presence is near
Suicide, suicide
I wish you were here
Abu Hoque Musafir
(It's A Verse of Life Written in the Look of Philosophy of the 3rd Eye - A Silent Dialogue Between A Depressed Slave and the KING of the Universe)
Is suicide a crime and doer a criminal?
The victim is a loser and mostly sufferer.
Suicide affects none other than himself.
Punish not suicide and take pity for it.
we'll be committing suicide if we don't eat the right foods
we'll be committing suicide if we don't sleep well
we'll be committing suicide if we take drugs
we'll be committing suicide if we don't exercise
Daddy, what's suicide?
Daddy, what's suicide?
Daddy, what's suicide?
Daddy, what's suicide?
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.