Sea Monsters Poem by Sebastian Seal

Sea Monsters

Out in the deep dark depths,
Swim monsters beyond comprehension.
They sit around drinking meths,
Honing their perception.

When they spot an unwary creature,
They'll rise up fast underneath.
Surprise is their primary feature,
Followed closely by their teeth.

I once saw such a monster strike,
Out in the Pacific rim.
It had a whopping big spike,
And an evil looking grin.

It grabbed an orca,
And pulled it down to the abyss,
You wouldn't see that in Majorca,
And if you could, you'd give it a miss.

I saw another out in the Atlantic,
It looked like a giant bee.
Its prey was getting frantic,
As it struggled to get free.

Sailors say the stories are a guess,
They don't know what lies in store.
They compare them to Loch Ness,
And dismiss them as folklore.

But I'm a creature of the sea,
I spend a lot of time out there.
I know what I see,
And I know the monsters of nightmare.

Malik Thomas 27 April 2020

Hey guys go check out my Instagram. curlyhead.malikk thanks!

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Jessiah Martin 27 April 2020

Poem was amazing Sebastian! Keep up the good work!

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Amy lover 04 March 2019

Sebastian this is amazing you are such a bitch

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Dawn Fuzan 15 May 2014

Sebastian I enjoyed every line, keep it up

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Sebastian Seal

Sebastian Seal

Novosibirsk, Siberia
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