Searching Passion Poem by John Girling

Searching Passion

I wish I could write epic saga's like the great men of stories old,
Shakespeare, Milton and Chaucer, their footprints left in bold.
Maybe if I were them, I could make people take notice,
That there is more to the beauty of this world than filling daily quotas

How frivolous it must be to stare at a machine or a wall,
And not wonder about anything, nothing at all.
I speak not of the disabled, challenged or oppressed,
For they wage different wars, of which I cannot contest.

But to have a talent and simply watch it erode away,
Suffocates the Latin "Carpe Diem", in English "Seize the Day".
A life motto fit for the people found around the globe,
All that is needed, is an internal searching probe

To bring forth from the darkened depths of the brain,
Things that your heart and soul see fit to entertain.
So before you lash out in boredom, anger and frustration,
And turn on your favourite mind-numbing station,

Chart the waters and the depths of your soul, in pursuit of your gift,
Before it is buried under the weight of life's immense snowdrift.
So I wait in hopes for a passion in me to burst forth and ignite,
To help express my mind and offer times lessons and insights.

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