'Secret' Poem by kizza michael


Rating: 5.0


Sweetness among the gusty trees,
love, I curse you not, the fall was mine, had I not been made of common fibers.

The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed to me
climbing the highest heights bethought of, seen the fuller sunrise and the larger clouds,

From the past of my wasted glory, I had stand
better with a streamline song of beauty,
twinkling some lighter light of freer jewelry shine,

my lips smitten into music of perfumed kisses
that made me bleed of white blood,
You rode with me, letting me fill like angels clattering the Angelou.

Your perfume came tumbling over my chest and it kissed my hairs that rose in uniform. 'one kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize to night that ill swing me to love a creature.'

I had sat within that marble circle where the oldest
bard is as the young, just to see your moonlight body move smoothly like deer's milk.You rose sharply and clashing my mind.
my pipe smoked honey, and the lyre's strings were strung in my body...in rhyme.

'With ambrosial mouth i wish she kissed my forehead, clasped my hand in noble love of Tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot! like a horse-hoofs ring.'

Flower read the legend passion of my bitter secret of my heart, wishing to Kiss as we have kissed in the mind, and never part as we have never joined.

You, flower of my wish, you have been eaten by the
cankerworm of truth that you dont love me, but i hope to spray you with the pesticide of hope of happiness if you can let plant you in my life garden,
And no hand will gather any of the fallen withered petals because you will never wither.

Your are a tree of Passion that will always bear fruit.a river in the desert, a one eyed in the blind, a heaven on the earth, a Queen of queens, Ah! what else can say to let you know that i have always loved one, apart from loving you.

I have made my choice, have lived my words, i will stand by this flower, because i found a crown of love.
am gone, to................the crown

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