Secret Crush Poem by Robin Danford

Secret Crush

Rating: 5.0

A shooting star flew by
And you quickly came to mind
I knew once you walked into my life
You're exactly what I needed to find

Our friendship flashed before my eyes
And a smile emerged on my face
I love each and every moment
Of your sweet enchanting grace

At first I liked our friendship
How we just trusted each other
How our friendship grew so strong
We were meant for one another

I was mesmerized from the beginning
By the words that you would speak
I couldn't nor wanted to help
That you'd always make grow so weak

I'm not sure when it all started
But i began to fall for you
You had caught me in an unknown spell
There was nothing I could do

Over time  my feelings grew stronger
And you're all I could think about
My heart was beating only for you
No one else
And in this there was no doubt

I tried to get over it
Knowing it could never be
Knowing I was just playing with my feelings
Thinking you would fall for me

I didn't tell anyone
Not even my best friend
Didn't want what little had began
To come to an end

I kept my mouth shut
Trying to deny it to even myself
Pretending I didn't have those feelings
Lying to protect myself

I couldn't control it
I yearned for you so much
Didn't want anything else
Except your gentle soothing touch

This love is starting to hurt
Pretending that it's not real
Trying to put it out of my mind
Refusing to reveal

But as I see you more and more
It's becoming harder to deny
Soon, I will no longer be able to refuse you
No longer able to keep up this lie

Ayesha Shamaim 12 February 2012

Thats superb my friend

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