Selfish Me Poem by Maria kassova muadilu

Selfish Me

Mama, 'my legs hurt 'said my little girl'.
Mama, 'I am hungry said my little boy'.
I took a deep breath as my eyes filled with tears.
But how did we get here?

It is a beautiful evening, and the sunset is so big and red, I can feel the breeze so fresh and warm passing through my face enjoying the sounds of the waters and of the birds.

I pictured myself flying up in the sky, flipping my wings from side to side. But my dream was interrupted by a big sound with shaking grounds that made my stomach feel so empty with my heart racing so fast.
Distraction and Poverty in every direction.
I was trembling, but I needed to survive and hoped to see tomorrow.
Today, my home has been infected with the most deadly virus in the world, a monster created to wipe out my entire family.
Left without identity. Left without sanity, no food, no water, no education, no basic health facility and above all, left in isolation.
From the darkness that had befallen my bright future, I asked myself, will there be a chance to see a healing place?
I realized I was asking the wrong question, the question rather was how did each one of us create a 'selfish me ', and decided to create a selfish us, decided to use a weapon to talk instead of the mouth, to hate one another, not to give a helping hand when the neighbor went to bed every day on an empty stomach and above all, only thought about us.
I looked at the selfish me in the mirror and said enough is enough. I will create a better healing place.
I will use my limited resources to help offer to my fellow brothers and sisters and do everything I can to share with the little that I have.
I stand on Love, I stand on Care and I stand on Peace.
I CARE not to make any person to run from what is called Home because 'Home is where the heart is'.
For every heart, with a shared responsibility, courage and love must come to cure the selfish me and it shall be a refuge for every other person.
It is shall be a healing place with a future for all. Home is my only kingdom and it's safe.

Kassova Maria Kambembua Muadilu

Selfish Me
Inspired by the stories of a 37 year war in my country.
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