Selfless Observation Poem by Roger Snow

Selfless Observation

Something simple if you please
I'd talk about it with you
if only we could,
and only if both agrees

It came up in a Talk we once had
how sometimes being there, ,
could possibly turn out a bit bad

yes, I've outrun most, that I do agree,
and at times, I think that was best.

never outran you, don't think
we had that need, , ,
think we knew, in fact, I think we agreed
if I'm to settle down
lose this Wandering of mine, ,
well we know I can't stick around
when I feel I'm short on time, , ,

so rather then suffer the cost
of a Man whose gone,
we can avoid that Loss, ,

I'll remain wild in the Wood
chasing Iron Flies
pretending all is fine, all is good
then only me, will I be telling these lies

Shape of my Body, is half past dead
some come to think of that, as just
something to regret, ,

I see it as I'm half way gone
Half way to leaving, ,
on my way back home, ,

Then there's all That time I took to be
this way, free to wander, , breathing
and living life my own damned way, , ,

we wouldn't want that to go to waste?

Yes I know, a little Morbid, not very good Taste
but true it is,
I did a lot of work on me, ,
just to get back to the child
I once used to be, , ,

because as a Child I recall
I was always happy
and never burdened at all, , ,

~~~~ End ~~~~~~~

This was penned in regards to my refusal to become involved in a Loving Relationship, owing to I couldn't stand to think she'd have to lose me and suffer the Grief (I'm Terminal)
So, it's sorta being selfless, for the concern for her, rather than get involved per my desire to love her as a couple.

Monday, August 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: songs of life
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