Set Fire To The Rain Poem by Anitah Muwanguzi

Set Fire To The Rain

I set fire to the rain, watch it burn,

Crawling my way through the pain

Clawing the ground where you walked

desperately trying to erase every trace of you, wherever we walked

Every memory, so I pluck at my hair,

Cause as much physical damage, at least for a while the pain will be only be physical

So for a while I won’t think of you

Knees tucked into my chest, I am rocking back and forth

When that is no longer working, I get up, and pace to and fro

Now my floor is cracked, my wall paint gone

I am leaving destruction in my wake

Because silly me, I let me fall for you

See you never gave me a choice

One look into those eyes, and I was lost forever

Now I have burned all your pictures,

But pictures of you remain, when I sleep I dream of you, when I am

awake, my imagination is running wild

Down memory lane, every part of me is clamoring for you

I am imagining she is waiting for you

And yet I can’t help myself, I am looking for you

My heart is screaming for you

So I run to you beg you to remember me

Beg you to undo this damage you have caused

You stand, unmoved, your eyes shuttered cold slits of ice

I am on the other side, my arms cold and empty

My heart bleeding needlessly endlessly, watching my lifeline snatched away

Cruel fate doesn’t care

This side of you, I never knew

I want to touch your face, so old and familiar, my lifetime dreams

hidden there

But that is now forbidden me

I turn away, and run, run as fast and far as I can

Dive into a lake of ice, oblivion I crave desperately

Right now, I’d do anything to not think

You brought me back to life

And took the life away

Set Fire To The Rain
Friday, November 20, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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