Shankaran Kutty Poems

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The Scum

(This is based on a true incident. Of how a mother asked her lover to kill her own husband and child, so that they can elope and lead a life together. he has been given capital punishment and she, double life terms. But irrespective of all that, the incident created a huge shock, as I still cant imagine how a mother can kill her own 4 year old child for carnal pleasures.) .

What is it this thing called love

Adieu! !

(This was written 72 hours after I bid adieu to one of the most loveable persons I have known in my life – my father in law, no my Father and my wife Priya’s biological father. In these lines I have tried to describe his last moments in his own words.)

I lie in the hospital bed, my wife
My daughter and her husband by my side

If Only

“If Only I had not drunk and drove”
“If Only I had gone for a morning walk daily ”
“If Only it had not begun to rain”
If Only I would stop saying “If Only”


Long before the rooster calls
And the night breaks into a dawn
I toss and turn upon my bed, when
All those dreams of mine are born

The Poetess

She enters into a world of her own
As words tumble on to her page
Flowing like a ballet dancer’s steps
Profound, like words from a sage

My Unread Poem

I wrote a little poem last night
Scripted with love, hugs and affection
Yet the one for whom I wrote
It seems to have hardly caught her attention

I Love Cyclone! ! !

Last night I slept so deep and sound
In the morning, saw a sight profound
How do I describe, well what do I say
For before me stretched the Bengal Bay

My Vegetarian Diet

I went for my medicals one cursed Saturday
The results I didn’t reveal – there was no way
Sunday evening, while watching football
I heard my wife scream – “this your cholesterol? ”

Prayers Of An Unborn Girl Child

No no, my mother, don’t do this to me
A speck of life I am, so born I should be
Are you forced to do, then please scream NO
A daughter’s pleas, as a mother you should know

Sonnet - 2

Why do my poems always sing
Tales of loss, sadness and woe
Of selfish folks and the tears they bring
I have asked myself, yet I do not know

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