She Poem by Zafiro Grace


Rating: 5.0

Her lips stained with bitterness tenderly caresses mine every morning
That's her way of greeting me, 'Good Morning'.
Some days she's light, with the after taste of blueberries and lemon in every step that she takes towards me.

She is my epitome of beauty, a cup filled with guilty sorrys but arms stretched out for more, she makes me feel like I'm worthy for some more. I could always use some more.

My best mornings are woken up by her full body pressed against the back of my spine, that smug splashed across her cheeks. Some mornings she was more than I could handle. Her concentrated mind would keep me up for hours, thinking and wishing I could penetrate deeper into her, wondering what more could lurk in her dense cinnamon eyes.

She is that intangible love that slips so quickly through my fingers making it harder to fathom her and she loves that. Some days I'd see her sip through creaks and cracks of men's mouth but I do not complain because honestly who could resist such a body like that.
'She completes me'
But they don't know the filtration she goes through to satisfy their drooping eyelids. They lust around her without knowing her sting of acidity she only venoms out after being shallowed.

She is a demon but I still love her.
A woman layered with complexity, never being able to fully reach to
with a promising and unmistakeable flavor of wine after every kiss.
Her voluptuous body of flavor seductively curled around my tongue as I whispered to her,
'I love you, Coffee'.

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