Atsiylah Atty Garfinkel Poems

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Wondering Of The Road Not Taken

</>Do you ever wonder about that 'road not taken'?
Where would you be if your path was the other?
If you had gone on that trip to Europe that year,
if you had gone with the band would you be another?

Heartless Time

Time passes by without concern for me.
Each tick rings a tock as it passes free.
Spring rains pass and summer's gone,
Fall and winter just keep moving on.

Mononym Discription


A Well Meaning Friend Was Here Today

A well meaning friend was here today,
'It's time to put your grief away
There are times when we are all sad,
but life's okay unless you make it bad.

Women Of The World

We find ourselves limited by the roles we must play.
By the petty, the short sighted and the things that they say.

We were meant to be free to follow our hearts.

Trying To Find The Good

My grandmother always said we need to find the good in folks.
Some folks make it easier than others, but it is our job to seek.
She lived in a simpler time when kids learned right from wrong.
She lived in a time safe from preditors and pedifile freaks.

Midnight In The Park

Real life may not be a whirlwind romance.
Real life may not be running off to a hidden cabin.
Real life may not be a Cinderella fairy tail.

Broken Hearted Dreamers / Dream On My Friend

You can search up on the mountains,
you can search the sea or valleys low.
You can search way high up in the sky's
or on the path the north wind blows.

Battle At A Picnic

At a picnic not long ago I saw a scene,
and as I've thought on what I saw
I've come to understand what it means.
Ants were marching across the sand,

Rat Race

</>Up at 5 and start those chores.
Living a life that isn't yours?

Grab a shower and a bite.

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