Sick Of Love Songs Poem by Rashidah Rahman

Sick Of Love Songs

Rating: 5.0

To think that people would have gotten sick of love songs
That soon enough it would be over
Then you think to yourself
Why do I even get here?
And I knew from the very beginning
Doesn’t matter how true a love may be
It never fails to have a date of expiry
Stop these silly pathetic lovesick poetry
I got enough of it already

What is the reason for that infatuation?
A moment of beauty
Deep inside one’s passion
How do one fall for god’s trap
He just wants us to procreate
Don’t fool me with “love makes the world go round”
All it does is make the ride worthwhile
And I’m not saying that I won’t fall for that trap
I’m just trying to be careful
So that when somewhere, someday
A man that I truly loves broke my heart
I’d say, I totally deserve it

I’m not saying this out of a broken heart
I’ve seen too many around
Though I cant imagine what its like
So the ultimate question I shall pose
To have love and lost
Or to not love at all

And if you haven’t figure it out
I’m the kind to rather not love
Cause then I wouldn’t know what I have lost
And I’ll be oblivious to heartbreak and tears
And the sleepless nights,
A tragic love story with a bad ending
From a friend, I hear

So don’t judge me
With this poetry I wrote
Its just a thought
And I’m just another poet

Sadiqullah Khan 22 January 2009

You are well judged and you are very much right. I am already sick of poetry, specially when you keep on telling people to give comments or grades. It is so ridiculous. Here a 10 for you as for every one :))

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