Sigh Poem by Janice M Pickett


I Sigh Oh my!

What a busy day
It is so long

Nothing but driving for hours
on the highway of cars
traffic piled up in lanes

Backwards and forwards to the hospital
every morning starting off at five
getting out of bed at four
Waiting for the transport driver

Such a long and tiring journey home
Picking up passengers as we go along
watching the traffic as it passes
talking to the others on the bus
feeling the stirring nausea in my stomach

It's the same every day at the moment
this long and exhausting journey that we take
Sun rising as we travel to our destination
Filing out of the bus tired and thristy
heading for the treatment rooms to cue
Standing in line to get an appointment

It is so vital that I do it though
It has to be done and repeated each day
Radiation burning the skin like a heavy suntanned overload
Doctors to be seen and questions asked each time
How are you? Do you feel a sore breast?
Are you getting enough sleep and resting daily?

Because my health and my future depend on these treatments
I have to have radiation that they say is needed
I have to answer all the questions that they ask
I am now adding new natural products to help me
I am taking control of what goes in my mouth
My life will be lived in my own way now
My future will be decided in my own way now

I have a right to health and harmony in my body
Natural and healthy products help me to heal faster each day
Are products that have been proven to work and aid in cancer protection
I am taking time for me and loving life and living
The Breast Cancer did not win I am a powerful survivor
Nothing will stand in my way I will always stay healthy
I will eat right, think right and make sure I succeed
This is the first day of the rest of my life

Janice M Pickett

Janice M Pickett

Middlesex England
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